Who says bedrooms must be done in pastels. This master bedroom brings many bold ideas together for a strong but restful space. Although the square footage for this room is not large, the bold patterns and colors create a welcoming environment.
Let’s take a closer look at each of the components. Pattern Mixing which includes wallcovering, drapery fabric, plaid bed throw plus the chair fabric is the strongest message from this room.
Design patterns of the wall covering and drapery fabric both have a similar curved design which creates continuity in the room. The addition of the red in the drapery fabric adds spice and warmth to the space plus it gives other areas of the room more colors to use.
The mahogany colored bed frame is replicated in the ceiling, window, and fireplace trims. This creates a warm and cohesive feeling with the paint color being the “binder” feeling to the room. Now we can go forward with additional creativity. The plaid throw on the bed is a wonderful pattern mix to the other room colors and adds a little bit of “wow.” Don’t be afraid to mix plaids, florals, botanical or contemporary designs together. The key is the color groupings need to be similar.
The feeling of the room is traditional which is highlighted with the gold drapery hardware along with the mirror frame style. The addition of the traditional chest next to the bed is another nod to a traditional/eclectic space. But what might we change creating a more cohesive space? How about painting the ceiling color a very soft ivory/beige or maybe a soft gray/beige depending on the actual colors in the wallcovering for additional depth to the room? And although we cannot see the entire bed area…. more pillows created from the many colors in the room would be a good place to gather patterns and tones.
Addressing the seating area near the fireplace we see a warm and cozy area to read, have a glass of wine, and enjoy time before bed. Although all the wonderful elements from the bed area have mostly been replicated, a few changes might be made. Depending on budget, the etagere/bookcase to the right of the fireplace could appear to have a more custom look. A custom piece would be the entire width of the alcove although not necessarily the full height. A replication of the bed trim/color design might be incorporated plus gold tone touches from the drapery/mirror hardware as well as using details of the wallcovering thus creating a custom wall alcove with all the special design details of the room.
The fabric on the chairs at the end of the bed might be changed out to be a stronger color tone and more in line with the colors already in the room. Perhaps an intensity (strength of color) more in line with other tones in the room would add to a feeling of consistency.
And of course, a few books, a dazzling fire and a glass of wine create a room for retiring. Go ahead, be creative and give each of your rooms your own design styles.